Credit card providers depend on a number of methods to send you offers to enroll with them. The common ways are reaching you either via your email inbox or mailbox. But not everyone is lucky to get a lot of such offers. This is especially true for those with a credit score that’s fair, poor, or anywhere in-between. offers a ray of hope for all such people.
When trying to get your loan approved, a healthy credit score is of utmost importance. But what do you do when your credit score has taken a beating due to your financial missteps? Is there no way to get funds from legitimate sources? With offers from you’ll have favorable answers to such questions. When your credit score is on the borderline of fair or has dipped further into the abyss to be labeled as “poor” you can still find a handful of credit card issuers willing to help. But finding them could be a tough job.
In such circumstances, can help by bringing credit card offers from First PREMIER Bank for even those with a credit score that’s not very good. Therefore, you can make use of such offers to get credit (which would be subject to the available limits) in your hour of need. When sudden emergencies crop up, knowing you have usable credit can be a huge relief! So make your ally in helping you better deal with your financial obligations.
Improve your credit score
Offers from don’t just stop at giving you access to credit. They go a step further to help you improve your credit score and build a good credit history. Curious to find out how offers can do this? The answer is simple – they encourage you to stick to positive repayment patterns. This means you’ll need to pay your monthly credit card balances on time. Additionally, you will have to reduce your credit utilization.
Credit utilization refers to the amount you currently owe divided by your present credit limit. Usually expressed as a percentage, credit utilization should ideally be 20%-30% of your total credit limit or even lower. When you have a fair or poor credit score, you can’t achieve 5% or 7% credit utilization soon. But with offers from you can try to keep it in the 20%-30% range and gradually bring it down to 10% or lower that is regarded as the ideal percent to boost your credit score.
After you receive offers, you’ll need to apply for the First PREMIER Bank credit card. Once your application is approved, you can enroll to get monthly payment reminders via text or email. You can also get 24/7access to your credit account via phone to monitor it and easily make online payments. Another benefit is getting the quarterly FICO Score for free with your monthly billing statement. All these services will help you to manage your finances well and build your credit score.
If getting credit when required is a problem or if you’re tired of credit card issuers’ denials or worse still, you’re losing sleep over poor credit, act now! Sign up to get offers in your mail or email inbox and break free from the shackles of financial deprivation.